vendredi 25 février 2022

Guest CT Call 2022

Hello! It’s time for me to find some great Pocket & Hybrid scrapbookers to join my team as Guests in 2022! If you are passionate about memory keeping, enthusiastic, reliable, active on social media, and a fan of Designed by Soco’s products, I’d love to hear from you! ♥

Guest spots will run for 3 consecutive months and successful applicants will get access to old and new releases during their spot.

·         Create at least one layout per new release (2-3 per month), preferably before the release date.

·         Create at least two projects per month (and at least one of them using new releases).
·         Good photography skills.

·         Post your layouts and project images to Designed by Soco’s gallery at The Lilypad and any other galleries and social media where you are active.
·         Be active on Designed by Soco’s social media (commenting, liking, sharing) and help to promote and showcase my products as much and as often as possible.
·        A Facebook account is required to gain access to the Facebook private CT group I use for communication with the team.

    Applications will be accepted through Sunday March 6, 2022, and personal responses will be sent by e-mail by the end of Saturday March 12, 2022. The CT guests will be announced on my social media and in The Lilypad’s forum.

    If you have any questions, please comment below or email me using the contact link on the right.

    I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you! Good luck!!!

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